Which Side Of Mattress Is The Best To Sleep On?
We all have a preferred side of the mattress to sleep on, whether it’s the left or right. As creatures of habit, it is common to pick to a side of the bed and to stick to it. You probably don’t think too much about it. But did you know there is actually a better side to sleep on? Sleeping positions matter when it comes to a good night’s sleep: if you’re struggling at night, you may want to take a look at your sleeping position, and even which side of mattresses you tend to sleep on.
The most common sleeping positions of Americans from most popular to least popular includes: sleeping on your side (over half of all Americans), sleeping on your back, sleeping on your stomach, and (a very small percentage) sleeping in the fetal position.
Luckily, the most popular sleeping position is also said to be the healthiest: sleeping on your side. But which side is best: left or right? While you might think it makes no difference, experts suggest that your left side is the overall better choice. Here’s why:
Digestional health:
Sleeping on your side is beneficial to your overall digestive health. In the center of your body, your internal organs can often cramp when you sleep. Sleeping on your back or stomach doesn’t help with this. However, sleeping on your side (the left specifically) allows your stomach to be slightly raised, decreasing the stress on this vital digestive organ. When your stomach is free of cramping throughout the night, you will be able to digest easily and sleep peacefully on your mattress.
Lymphatic Health:
Another benefit of dozing off on the left is that your left side is your dominant lymphatic side. Your lymphatic system helps your body discard waste using lymph fluid, a protein rich fluid that travels through your body to pick up unwanted bacteria and viruses. The waste is then carried to your lymph nodes, where you discard it. When you sleep on your left side, the lymph fluid is better filtered. In contrast, sleeping on your right side can actually decrease your lymphatic efficiency.
No More Toxins:
Not only does sleeping on your left side aid in lymph fluid filtering, but it also helps in filtering other toxins. These toxins filter through your lymph nodes and thoracic duct, which are relieved the best when you are on your left side. The more you sleep on the left, the less toxins you will have! If you make sleeping on the left a habit, it can even carry over into the efficiency of your body to get rid of toxins in your waking hours.
Heart Health:
Sleeping on your left side can improve your heart circulation as well. Remember that Lymph fluid? Well, in order to get that lymph drainage away from your heart to keep it circulating at its best, we need some gravity. That’s where sleeping on the left comes in. The lymph fluid will drain away from your heart when you are on your left side, facilitating better aortic circulation. This is especially recommended if you are pregnant!
No More Heartburn:
If you suffer from symptoms of acid reflux, you’ll want to try sleeping on your left side. Being on your left side reduces acid reflux, which will reduce heartburn, and luckily this is a perk that adds up over time. So invest in your future of a heartburn free life and get on the left side of mattresses.
Spinal Health:
Lying on the left side of your body relieves spinal pressure. There are a lot of people who suffer from chronic back pain, and find it hard to sleep at night. For left-side sleepers, back-pain relief is a sure bet.
Although you may not be used to it, sleeping on your left side might be worth the try if you currently have trouble sleeping, or are interested in any of these health benefits. Using the left side of your San Diego mattress could improve your sleepless nights, and that’s worth the habit change!