
Learning to Care For San Diego Mattresses: 5 Maintenance Tips For The Best Sleep Possible

San Diego mattresses are an important investment for your mental and physical wellbeing. After all, these comfortable beds are made to help to fall and stay asleep easier so you can function at your best. And just like most investments in life, mattresses need to be cared for so they can maintain their amazing quality for many years to come. Are you looking for ways to get the most out of your mattress? Here are some helpful cleaning and maintenance tips that do just that. 

1. Invest in some good sheets too 

Believe it or not, but your sheets can have an impact on your quality of sleep. This is because different fabric materials alter the way that you sleep. For example, some fabrics are very breathable, making them perfect for hot summer nights or people who overheat easily. On the other hand, other fabrics retain warmth very well, so these sheets would be better suited for winter or people who like to sleep on the cozier side. From silk, cotton, flannel, and more, you have plenty of options when it comes to sheets. As far as mattress maintenance goes, sheets also help to protect your bed from dirt, sweat, and other debris and allergens so they can stay cleaner for longer periods of time. 

2. Rotate every 6 months 

Rotating your San Diego mattress helps stop any lumps from forming on the surface of the bed. A mattress that isn’t rotated very often may experience sagging around the areas that have been exposed to excess pressure due to sleeping in the same position on the same spot. Of course, these lumps can lead to an uncomfortable mattress and decreased sleep quality. To prevent this, you should typically be rotating your mattress twice a year

3. Deodorize when necessary

Unpleasant smells may make it difficult to concentrate on falling asleep. Make sure you take the time to deodorize your mattress every so often. You can do this by sprinkling a generous amount of baking soda over the top surface of your mattress. Baking soda is a gentle cleaner that can help neutralize smells by absorbing moisture and dirt, making it the perfect cleaning supply to use on mattresses. Let the baking soda sit on your mattress for as long as possible to really soak up all the odors, but if you’re in a time crunch, 30 minutes is fine. When you’re ready to finish, use a vacuum to clean all the baking soda off. The end result is a mattress that smells fresh and clean! 

4. Deep clean at least twice a year  

Unfortunately, mattresses can collect a lot of icky contaminants, like dirt, sweat, allergens, dust mites, stains, and dead skin cells. Of course, sleeping on a dirty mattress isn’t preferred, and it can actually decrease your sleep quality by causing you to experience night time allergies, such as excessive sneezing and congested sinuses. The best way to prevent this from happening is to deep clean your mattresses at least twice a year. You can do this by incorporating tip 3 with a couple of extra steps. That is, vacuum your mattress, spot treat any stains by lightly spraying an enzyme based solution or other cleaner of your choice, allow the mattress to dry, and then finish off with baking soda and one last round of vacuuming.

5. Know when it’s time to upgrade 

Even if you do everything in your power to maintain the quality of your mattress, there will come a time where you will have to replace it. The life expectancy of a mattress is typically around 8 to 10 years depending on how well you took care of it and the material it’s made out of. After a certain point, your mattress will begin to deteriorate in quality and no longer feel comfortable to sleep on. When you start to frequently experience issues falling and staying asleep, as well as waking up with body pains and mental fatigue, it’s time to consider buying a new mattress. Don’t know where to start? Shop locally for a range of high-quality mattresses that’ll help you get back to sleep with ease.