
Which Offers The Better Deal: Foam Or Spring Mattress?

Choosing the best deal

If you’re scrimping and saving and are trying to get the best deal out of a mattress sale in San Diego, you’re going to need to make the inevitable choice of what kind of mattress that you want to acquire. There are many to choose from, but most choices boil down to two different types of mattresses you can select from. A spring vs a foam mattress. In this article, we shall discuss just which mattress would be the best fit for you. 

The spring mattress

To understand which mattress is the best to use, you’re going to need to understand just what they bring to the table. To start with we’ll look at one of the longest-standing mattress types that have existed up till today: the spring mattress. This mattress has its fair share of problems to be sure, like a great deal of uneven pressure depending on just how heavy set of a body that you have. The heavier your body is, the more pressure that the body will receive from the springs. With this in mind, if you do have a light enough body, the pressure that you get from the springs can feel heavenly. Plus due to the nature of the springs, the bed will be getting good airflow preventing the mattress from overheating, whilst also giving it a good bounce. 

Foam mattress

We then move onto the spring mattress’s polar opposite. The foam mattress. This mattress relies more on a soft texture that adapts to your body and allows for a bed that can adapt to your shape whilst also giving a great deal of comfort all the while. When combined with memory foam, this mattress can go above and beyond in quality when creating sleep zones that increase the viability for a well-earned sleep. Unfortunately, due to the dense make-up of the mattress, you will find a great amount of heat building up in the mattress which can make cooling off while sleeping on it very challenging. Manufacturers are creating new brands of foam mattresses to combat its problem but for some, it’s still everpresent. 


As far as general prices go, it’s very easy to confirm that spring mattresses are the cheaper of the two since the pieces that go into them are much easier to acquire and build, plus the process of making them is a great deal easier as well. If you’re looking for alternative mattresses in San Diego, memory foam is definitely going to be more expensive to buy in a general sense, but at the same time, it is also easier to clean and maintain, often lasting longer than a spring mattress in terms of quality and durability. Though it may have heating issues in comparison to the spring coils, it also has great motion isolation, meaning the movement of a partner won’t jostle you from your sleep. 


It will ultimately come down to your personal preferences in the end when deciding on the best deals and mattress sales in San Diego. A great deal of this will depend on what you value most with a bed. If you want something cheap, not affected by heat with some bounce a spring mattress is what you want. If you want softness with motion isolation and longevity, then the foam is what you’ll seek out.