
4 Interesting Facts About Mattresses

Using San Diego mattresses is expected for anyone looking to get a good night’s rest. There’s something to be said about how accessible they are and the many shapes, sizes, and prices that they come in. With all of this information, there are still many things about mattresses that people don’t know. So let’s discover some facts concerning mattresses that you just might not know about yet.

Mattress fires

Believe it or not, mattresses used to be made out of combustible materials. This made it rather hazardous to sleep on once upon a time ago. Because of this, it became a law that mattresses needed to be fire retardant for 30 seconds at least if they wanted to be eligible to be sold.

Mattress Weight

From the day you get your brand new San Diego mattress, you can actually have its weight double if enough time passes. The reasons for this are numerous, and chief amongst them is sweat and skin. 

When you sleep on your mattress, the sweat and dead skin you’ll shed will go into your mattress. All of this will accumulate, and it’s a little wonder that extra weight is added to your mattress in time.

Water Bed

The water bed concept is a lot more ancient than you might think. Sure the concept became popular and globally trendy in the late 1900s, but what you may not know is that it was actually created and developed by Persians 3000 years before the death of Christ. It’s an ancient concept that has endured for many millennia and has been truly mastered as a result. 

A Messy Bed

This one might sound outlandish, but it’s actually better not to make your bed right after you wake up in the morning. The reason for this is that if you leave your bed unmade, then you can prevent dust mites from settling into where you sleep. Another reason is, moisture is easily trapped into a made bed, making it inviting for the troublesome pests to infest your sleeping quarters. 


There’s something to be said about how much we may or may not know about a mattress. It helps to know some of these facts since some of them can make a difference in how you take care of them in the future.